My Atypical Life
​My Atypical Life is a podcast where Jóhanna talks about her atypical life to connect with and educate others. She is a dyslexic, ADHD, and autistic activist on the Dean's list at the University of Florida, who was bullied and sexually assaulted as a child, and hopes that sharing her story will help others in similar situations feel less lonely. Jóhanna had chronic pain for over a decade and was in and out of the hospital for over two years and in a wheelchair. It is a miracle that she is fully recovered and now walks and travels around with the mission of helping others. The 21-year-old Icelander is also the founder and owner of the company HARTS, which stands for Health, Access, Research, Technology, and Schools. The Icelandic company works to promote health and access by using research and technology in schools. The podcast covers all of these topics, and so much more, such as interviews with other people also leading atypical lives. Listeners can expect exclusive stories that will leave them laughing, shocked, seen, and hopefully inspired.