Academic Preparation
Online Module
Course: EME4010, Distance Education Research and Practice
Instructor: Dr. Bojan Lazarevic
Semester: Spring 2024
Project Grade: TBD
Goal/Aim of Project: The goal of this project was to create an online module. I created an online module in Canvas about accessibility and ableism, and as you will see, the module I created aligns with the first module in the Final Desing Report.

Final Design Report
Course: EME 4673, Introduction to Instructional Design
Instructor: Dr. Larisa Olesova
Semester: Spring 2024
Project Grade: TBD
Goal/Aim of Project: The goal of this project was to use the Dick and Carey Systems Approach Model for Designing Instruction to create an instructional design report. The topic I chose was "Introduction to Accessibility in Online Courses for University Faculty," where I created 9 online modules for an online course in Iceland.
History & Scope: Distance Education
I wanted to include this assignment as well as I am very proud of it and think that more people should know about the history of distance education.
Course: EME4010, Distance Education Research and Practice
Instructor: Dr. Bojan Lazarevic
Semester: Spring 2024
Project Grade: 50/50
Goal/Aim of Project: The goal of this project was to create a visual representation of the history of distance education based on the book Distance education: A systems view, 3rd ed by Moore & Kearsley, G.